1. Do not rage! Obviously you're going to come across someone that just annoys you, feeds, trolls and doesn't listen to the team, but don't rage, just ignore the person and try to carry the team. If you rage you start to loose focus. Also if someone is trying hard and you just rage at them over something little (like accidentally taking blue) and constantly treat them illy throughout the whole game, that player isn't going to even want to play any more and wont put hardly any effort into playing.
2. How to get out of "Elo Hell". I'm going to make this simple, firstly communicant and lead your team, a team with no communication in ranked will probably fail since you have no team play. If you find that EVERYONE you get paired with seems to suck, then go duo queue with someone you know is a decent player, meaning there is a higher chance you will win. Learn how to play every role, you have to adapt to what the other team is doing, you can't just call a lane and not do anything after. Use runes, they're very useful early game and could decide whether or not you win or lose your game.
3. Have Map Awareness. It's what it's called basically, know what's going on in the map, know who's missing, know where you can get ganked. Also watch your team mates and see if they need urgent help and you're near, this could turn a 1v2 gank into a double kill for one of you. Having good map awareness means you can have good map control. You should know the general spots where ganks occurs.
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