Saturday 22 December 2012


DayZ Mod

You may be asking yourself, exactly what is DayZ. Well DayZ is a mod of Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. The mod is an online zombie survival game, and when I say it's a survival game I really mean it. At first it seems hard to get into since you start with basically nothing and you can't just run in killing everything like in every other game, but once you get into you it starts to become very fun and addictive. In DayZ you have to try find supplies to keep you alive, such as food and water. Also you will need to try find weapons to fend off zombies and other players or bandits. In DayZ there is constant PvP, so you need to watch out for people, anyone could betray you, anyone. There's been countless times where I've been backstabbed, and now due to that shamefully I also betray people (sometimes if I don't like something they've done). You might be thinking why would someone kill me in the first place, we're all trying to survive. Well when you kill someone or someone gets killed they drop their items and anyone can loot it. So if I kill someone, I get ALL their items and they loose ALL their items. For a more indepth analysis of DayZ watch TotalBiscuits WTF is on Dayz which can be found above.


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