How to try get that girl you think is hot/nice
Now I'm no Romeo, Heart breaker, Player or any other name you want to call it but after reading a few articles and doing some pick-up, I think I've managed to get the gist of how to pick up a girl, most times. I say most times as every girl is different and you can not get every and any girl, if a girl doesn't like you, move on, who cares, there's plenty more girls out there.
1. Be confident. Girls love guys that are confident and feel comfortable with themselves. If you feel comfortable with yourself it will generally make her feel more at ease. Girls find confidence attractive, in my opinion, having confidence is more important than if you look hot or not. I understand it isn't as easy as me as just saying be confident and it just happens, you need to build it. The way I built my confidence was by picking up girls that weren't too attractive, there's a high chance you will get their number because well, no one really wants to get her number, you don't have to call her back or anything. I know it sounds bad but it worked for me.
2. Make jokes/ Be funny. Making her laugh will make her happy and girls love a guy that can make her laugh. I mean who wants to be in a relationship with someone and they can't share jokes with each other, it just wont work out. The best relationship is when you're close friends with each other too.
3. Touch her. Now I don't mean touch her in a sexual way. I mean that you should do something like touch her arm while you're talking or brush hair out of her face if its windy. You have to kind of "style it out" though, you cant just touch her arm our of no where or it will just seem creepy and weird. Say if she told you a joke, you can laugh and touch her or or if she's sad then it will probably be okay to touch her arm for reassurance. It's hard to judge when you can and when you cannot, generally you will know when its right after a while.
4. Body language. If she smiles at you, smile back. Her smiling at you is kind of her way of saying "come talk to me" in a kind of subtle way. Sometimes she's just kind of saying hello, that's if you know her already. Even if she giggles after looking at you its a good sign, it's not normal but i've had a few girls giggle after I smiled at them or waved at them. There's also a certain kind of seductive look she will give you, I can't explain it but if you see it you will know. If she tries to hold your stare if you meet eyes it means she's could be into you or if she quickly looks away it could mean she was staring at you and is scared you caught her, or something like that. Also if she fixes her hair or re-applies her make up (something along those lines) after you look at her, she's probably trying to make sure that she looks nice for you. Some people say if her feet are pointing in your direction, sub-consciously she is attracted to you, or if her legs and arms aren't folded or if her chest is open, none of these are really important, a girl can be sitting down talking to you with her legs crossed because she does that all the time and find it comfortable, these last points are just so that you have a few more hints, but just because say, her feet aren't pointing towards you, it doesn't means she's not interested.
5. She wants you to "Rescue the damsel in distress". Say if you and this girl are outside somewhere together and she doesn't have a jacket and she suddenly says "I'm so cold!", she's basically wanting you to "save" her or a more appropriate would be that she wants you to assist her by giving you her jacket or jumper. She does this to see if you care about her or like her. In some instances, she will pretend that she's bad at doing something, say you're sitting next to each other in a lesson, she will pretend to not know what's going on, use this to help her out and show her you care. She does this to see how you react and if you really want to help her out. I would advise against doing this around other males as she might want some other guy to give her a coat (for example) and will be disappointed if you do, at the very least you will know that she isn't into you but you could feel a bit like an idiot. However if you are around your friends and you still give your jacket, she will be quite happy about it as it shows her that you don't care who knows or sees that you like her, making her feel special.
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