Well season 3 is finally here, what changes have been made you might ask. Well for starters they redesigned the Interface and the design of the shop. Secondly they removed added and changed items (For example Heart of Gold has been removed, new item Ohmswrecker has been added and Vampric Sceptre now costs 800g and has 10 Attack Damage). Finally they have remade the Jungle, now leashes are a thing of the past (sadly)! The mobs in the jungle will attack the nearest Champion to it, so now Summoners will have to help out their junglers by damaging the creeps. They also made it harder to jungle, increasing the damage done to the Champion and increasing the health of the creep. Finally they made it so that you will gain more experience from jungling, now you will no longer find yourself under leveled at mid game! Thats all for today, see you next time!
Here's Summoner's War's video on the item changes in season 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS-45Lc_L9Y
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