Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tips on how to be a better player edition

#1. Learn how to last hit! Last hitting is such an important part of the game, its your main source of income and is vital to you doing well (unless you're support or fed).

#2 If you're being chased by a group of enemies which haven't attacked you for a while, die to tower without letting any of the enemies hit you, this means that no one will get any gold for your death.

(Not like this obviously)

#3 WARDS! Wards save lives, please buy a ward today and save another summoners life. But seriously, vision on map will stop so many deaths, this is why its vital supports buy wards.

#4 If you're going to play ranked make sure you know how to play every lane with at least one champ! Ranked isn't like normal games where you just call your lane and lock in, sometimes you need to adapt and pick the right lane to counter the opposite team, don't play ranked if you're not ready, you will end up in ELO HELL.

#5 Call a miss! I know this is a general rule for anyone level 30, hell probably anyone level 20 as well, but some people just can't be bothered to call SS or MIA every 5 minutes, but trust me it will stop so many ganks. Also respond you misses, if a lane has called a miss and the jungler is no where to be seen and your lane is pushing... You're probably getting ganked!


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