Saturday 22 December 2012

Movie: Fight Club

Fight Club came out in 1999 and ever since then has been one of my favourite films, and its many other peoples favourite films.

Plot Summary/Storyline:
In Fight Club we generally follow an Unnamed Protagonist and Narrator, who is acted out by Edward Norton. The protagonist has insomnia and leads a very dreary and uneventful life a. He joins certain meetup groups just so he can cry with them, even though he has none of their problems. Eventually he meets Tyler Durden, acted out by Brad Pitt. Tyler Durden is an out going, crazy yet motivational kind of man. Together, the Unnamed Protagonist and Tyler Durden start Fight Club, an illegal club where people come together to fight, the plot takes some time to unfold, but when it does it's becomes crazy. This film also has a great ending to it.

My Personal Opinion:
I personally loved Fight Club. However the first time I watched Fight Club, I found the first 30 minutes or so completely boring and I was about to stop watching it, however it picked up after a while and became truly interesting. After the beginning I kept on wanting to watch and see what was going next, it had me hooked, and the ending was totally unseen (for me) even though I should have expected it. If you haven't watched Fight Club I advise you to do so as its one of my favourite movies and a must watch in my opinion! Fight club gets my Epic Movie Award.


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